The fresh vegetable train is boarding!

Spring is in the air today, perhaps for another day and then say it will snow. We are spending most days in the greenhouse preparing for spring. We purchased two pallets of organic potting mix last month and we are making a good dent in the first one. Our first seeds have germinated and are…

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We’re taking orders for chicken

For our repeat subscribers, we are happy to be your local farmers again this year. For those who are new, welcome, and thanks! Last night we were thankful that the winds spared our place. The hail, though marble-sized, was brief. The pebble-sized hail about 3 weeks ago did more damage that is showing up now…

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It’s time to order seeds


Seeds! Since Thanksgiving we have been receiving seed catalogs in the mail. We toss some immediately (that hardly seems fair!). Sometimes I wonder how they got our address, why did they choose me, why do they include so many flowers, what were they thinking?

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Seems like Spring

After last week, a windy, cool and damp stretch for 7 or 8 days, today really seemed like spring! We didn’t get a lot of rain last week, about a half inch. After a sunny weekend, the soil worked up very nicely on Monday, so we hope to plant plants and seed many seeds today…

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