Stormy Weather

Well, we made it through a few more storms over the weekend! I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but we’re going on week three where we have not had much opportunity to seed, weed or feed because of the moisture. But we are thankful that, unlike areas north of us, we got an…

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Storm Brewing

Looks like there’s another storm brewing this afternoon; we hope the worst of it misses us this time around. This past weekend we had 2 inches of rain, which gave weeds all the encouragement they needed! In our potato field we have a lot of weed pressure. The onions (below, on Sunday, then Monday) seem…

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Picking up the Pieces

It’s been hot, which is what the plants have been waiting for. We look forward to seeing them grow over the next week. Three friends came over on Saturday and took Tunnel 1 apart with me, and on Monday I picked up all the pieces with Adrienne, who is home from college for the summer,…

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Rebounding from the wind and hail

Other years, we have had more to offer in Week #4 boxes (such a choi, shown in its hail-damaged state below). This year, after a Mother’s Day tornado-producing storm dumped hail on the plants newly exposed by the wind-torn Tunnel 1, our plants are still rebounding. We’re glad we have something to offer this week,…

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Our rebuilding plan — and how you can help

Many have asked about how the wind damage of April 24 will impact our season and our long-term viability. Many have spoken words of encouragement and support, offered ideas, and asked for a plan. Thank you. It has been the expressions of encouragement from customers and friends that keep us going even when it is…

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