Green fields

Suddenly this week, everywhere I look is a lush green. The brown spaces in the fields are giving way to the canopy of crop cover. It is amazing to see the huge variety of color from light lime green of the ditch grasses to the deep blue green of leek and garlic. The potatoes have…

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This week in your share + recipes for rhubarb cake and ribollita

Suddenly this week, everywhere I look is a lush green. The brown spaces in the fields are giving way to the canopy of crop cover. It is amazing to see the huge variety of color from light lime green of the ditch grasses to the deep blue green of leek and garlic. The potatoes have…

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This week in your share

Suddenly this week, everything has turned a lush green. The brown spaces in the fields are giving way to the canopy of crop cover. It is amazing to see the huge variety of color from light lime green of the ditch grasses to the deep blue green of leek and garlic. The potatoes have gone…

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Running Through the Sprinkler

Just reading this poem made me feel a little cooler during these past few hot days. Running Through the Sprinkler You can let the water chase you, There are lots of games to play when you’re running through the sprinkler on a hot and muggy day. You can sit right on the squirt holes, You…

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In your share…

Greetings everyone! It looks like we are jumping right into summer with temps in the 90’s this week. It is quite a change, but the drying weather has allowed us to get some major weeding done and continue some planting that was put on hold during the rains last week. This week was also the…

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Even the birds want to come indoors

Well, as you all know, it is raining again, but we are happy to be harvesting under the cover of the high tunnel. This morning, while Madeline was seeding some trays a little hummingbird found its way into the garage. We all enjoyed watching it for a little while, and then opened the big door…

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Bring on the Sunshine!

This will be a brief post because the sun is shining and we are going full steam ahead to get as much in the ground as possible before the rain starts again on Thursday. It looks like a great week for seeds to sprout. I’m going to also provide some information about greens from Angelic…

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The 2011 Vegetable Season is Here!

Welcome to a new season of fresh produce from The Cornucopia! We look forward to serving you in 2011. Yesterday I woke to the loud crack of thunder. John rolled over and said, “do you think I should pull those plants inside?” I was happy that he said “I”, it was a good Mother’s Day…

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New Season is underway!

No Complaining allowed Janna said, so I’ll only tell you that I am waiting patiently for sunshine! We have most potatoes planted. The garlic looks really good so far, and we have most of the onions planted. The tunnels are planted, all the beds have product in them and up and growing. We just need…

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Light at the end of the tunnel

It has been a month, we have had cold, and snow and some days we thought winter would never end. We are not into spring yet but look at the ten day forecast! The snow is going to melt this week. It is going to warm up considerably which means work will progress on the…

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