The first Sioux Center Subscription 2010 is delivered!
Greetings, After a long snowy winter we are eagerly looking forward tobringing you the first tastes of spring. We will bedelivering the first two shares in the evening on May 12 &19. Starting on May 26, we will be at the Sioux CenterFarmer’s Market on Wednesday mornings from 8 – noon whereyou may pick up…
Read MoreGentle rain
There is a nice gentle rain falling right now. We have some things seeded outside, are tunnels are full and ready for some picking for Saturday’s market in Sioux Falls. We have 3600 plants ready to be planted as soon as the ground is dry enough for soil preparation, and then 100’s more as soon…
Read MorePotatoes are Planted!
I just needed to tell everyone that this past Saturday with help from some amazing kids/young adults we got all our potatoes for the main season planted. I’ll have to look in notebooks but I think it is the earliest ever. Now today we tackle the seeds for carrots and spinach I hope we get…
Read MoreHappy New Year
The sun is shining brightly and after the past week of very cold days, winds and snow we could use some warming! Janna and I spent 3 days at the Great Plains Vegetable Growers conference in St. Joesph MO learning to serve you better. We did have a good learning experience picking up suggestions from…
Read MoreIt’s cold out there!
Greetings Everyone! It’s cold out there! Tonight as we made deliveries it even snowed a little! Not quite ready for snow yet, like a lot of conventional farmers, we are probably also a month behind with our winter preparations. But……we got one of our first seed catalogs today and that means spring is not far…
Read MoreBack to School
Greetings! School has started again. Elizabeth is back teaching, Jessica moved into her dorm and Madeline, Adrienne and Rachel have returned to their studies as well. This, of course, means that our work schedule really changes. I love the approach of Fall. Days are shorter, but cooler night temperatures and cool mornings with warm dry…
Read MoreWelcome to a new year
Welcome to a new year, with new experiences, with new challenges! It is January and we are combing seed catalogs, planning gardens, and getting ready for Spring!
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