Onions and beets
We had a good inch or more of rain last Thursday evening, which is the most we have had since the wet period in May. You’ll notice that produce is a bit dirtier this week and may require another rinse or two, especially the head lettuce, due to the rainfall. We can ease up on watering this week, but we likely will need to turn the hydrants on again by the weekend.
We have a group of college students coming over this afternoon, which should be interesting. I anticipate many good questions, and I always enjoy having a group of students and teachers come through our farm.
We are receiving checks in the mail almost every day for the fall share (you can order here) ; thank you very much! If you’ve told us you want a share but have not yet sent in payment, please consider doing so soon. We can accommodate about seven more subscriptions for the fall, so please share our information with any friends and relatives who might appreciate our food and/or philosophy and would be interested in subscribing.
I need to go back outside; I see onions and beets being hauled past my window!
–John Wesselius
P.S. We encourage those who value fresh, locally produced, nutrient-dense, chemical-free food to provide your perspective in the form of a letter to the editor about this story that ran in a local paper recently.