High tunnel taking shape

My walkabout yesterday revealed flowers on a new green bean crop, zucchini plants (seemingly) doubling size overnight, and tender cilantro and dill shoots maturing.

It’s also great to see the beginnings of our high tunnel taking shape! After digging out post holes yesterday, today’s job for the guys is putting ground posts in concrete. One step closer to a completed structure. Do you think they can finish in time to get a fall crop under cover?

Potato yield has been less than expected this year due to the rain and weed pressure from this spring, and that was made quite evident in our digging yesterday. There’s just a small sweet taste of Maris Piper gold potatoes this week.

In other news, check out those tomatoes! We’ve been seeing red this week and loving it.

–Jessica Wesselius

PS We have about a dozen Fall Shares available and will keep sign-up open for a little longer. Please sign up (https://thecornucopiacsa.com/shares/) as soon as possible if you’re interested. We hope you have enjoyed your summer share so far.