School has started again, and the temps. the next few nights will give things that “fall feeling”. I think I’ll need to get out some moth balls as extra insurance against all of the moths that have been sneaking into my house. Every time someone comes to the door, we all rush to turn out the lights to try to keep them from coming in again. John has been seeding cover crop on newly tilled areas as things dry out. Tomorrow afternoon the tunnel will be ready for seeding some fall crops. John and the girls pulled shade cloth over the tunnel last week to bring down the soil temperature enough to allow seeds to germinate. After things germinate and are up and growing, the shade cloth will come off again to allow maximum light in for growth.
I have been spending some time indoors canning spaghetti sauce. Last year we managed to empty the pantry of everything tomato so it is time to replenish the stock. If you are thinking of doing some canning and would like some “seconds”, just let us know and we would be happy to fill your order for a good price.
As you will notice from your share, the leek did manage to survive the floods of late July/early August. We are still holding our breath about the brussels sprouts though. While some of the seeds we planted before the really big rains did survive, many washed away or did not survive the muddy conditions. Waiting for things to dry up has created a rather large gap in our succession planting schedule.
This week in your share…..
Leek – remember to cut it up in little “circles” and then throw it in the sink for a good rinse. Then enjoy sauteed in your favorite dishes…eggs, stir-fry, soups…
Lettuce – sweet summer crisp
Celery – there is no match for the flavor of home-grown celery. It is not the prettiest, but the flavor is intense and is great in soups and other dishes. Store it wrapped in a bag in the fridge OR wash, chop, bag and toss it in the freezer for convenient use anytime.
Tomatoes – cherry and regular
Peppers – green and some jalapenos – try these stuffed with cheese and baked or grilled for a zesty treat.
Potatoes –
Squash – acorn or carnival(looks like acorn but more colorful)
Parsnips – in the whole shares – these are a great addition to soups and stews, and are also wonderful fried in some butter.
Have a great week!